Regardless of whether you are the driver, traveler or a person on foot associated with a crash with a vehicle, the unpredictability of managing the repercussions of this type of situation can be overpowering. Who will cover therapeutic costs? Who will pay the bills when you can't come back to work due to your injury? Will the driver who is responsible be sued when Michigan is a "no-blame" protection state? We have the experience it takes to enable you to explore the entangled and complicated protection and risk asserts that are natural in automobile negligence.

Attorneys at Palmer Law have been dedicated to helping individuals and families engaged with automobile negligence for over fifteen years, and we continue to do so. We have dealt with a huge number of car crash instances of almost every reason and nature. Since the hidden actualities, conditions and confirmation of each crash are particular, we treat each issue with the individual consideration it merits. 

Each circumstance is unique, with particular inquiries that may require master counsel. In Michigan, the no-fault law tends to general inquiries regarding your no-blame advantage rights and cases. There are numerous special cases and abnormal conditions that can't be solved with general knowledge.  Get in touch with us to bring justice to your case of automobile negligence.